Friday, October 25, 2024


Queens Public Television (QPTV) is a private corporation, which operates four Queens cable television channels. Read more about this award-winning, world-class media center and community media core on

When was it founded?

The history of QPTV began in 1982. At that time, some public channels were managed by the cable company, while others were ruled by the city. QPTV took a unique approach by becoming a third-party channel management corporation.

In 1988, QPTV launched its cable broadcast with a single program, Slovak Sunshine. Since that time, QPTV has partnered with hundreds of nonprofit organizations whose services benefit the entire borough.

A representative of diversity

Queens is the most ethnically diverse part of the United States. One can hear more than 200 languages and dialects here. All races, creeds, cultures, religions and political views are represented by QPTV. Its four TV channels enable every resident of the community to express opinions freely.

QPTV employs journalists from different parts of the world. Thanks to the professional exchange program of the U.S. Department of State (the International Visitor Leadership Program), journalists from Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Libya and French-speaking Africa are fighting here for the rights of their citizens.

QPTV’s original series Understanding Mental Illness has won several awards for its episodes about mental diseases. The broadcaster has also addressed controversial issues, such as the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero Memorial Park in New York, illegal gun violence and the death penalty. For many native speakers, QPTV is the only place to find information in their native language on health, immigration, education and other important issues.

Public television

Queens Public Television enables every person and nonprofit organization to freely express their opinions in accordance with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment is the foundation of American freedom. It guarantees that the US Congress will not make laws prohibiting any religion, or laws that restrict freedom of speech, press, assembly, and the right of the people to petition the government.

QPTV represents public television, so ordinary people can participate in the creation of content. There are programs that will make you laugh, cry, think about life, and more. Dentists, teachers, firefighters, religious leaders and all community representatives are able to join their filming.

QPTV is committed to providing a forum for the open exchange of ideas and opinions without censorship, regardless of race, creed, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. All Queens residents can join Democratic TV created for people. The company also serves non-profit groups, educational institutions and community organizations seeking to have their voices heard.

It is prohibited to produce and show on Queens Public Television channels that contain defamation, invade a person’s privacy, injure viewers, cause public concern, incite riots, violate copyrights, extort money from viewers, illegally advertise goods, cause substantial obstruction to law enforcement or other public services, etc. All content producers must comply with FCC rules, as well as with local, state and federal laws.

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