Saturday, July 27, 2024


It’s important to have access to a reliable cybersecurity service provider in a modern age of cybercrime, ransomware and phishing attacks. Queens-based Apex Technology Services focuses on preventing malicious attacks on the network. A team of IT professionals serves clients in the US, Europe and Asia. Read more about its activities on

What services are available?

Apex Technology Services has a large operations center open 24/7. All calls are answered by a live representative and the support team is fully staffed by certified technical specialists. They provide IT consulting on cloud backup, website hosting, email, remote access, network monitoring, software installation, web design, video surveillance installation, and more.

Apex Technology Services offers a variety of plans and support packages that can be customized to meet individual needs. The company uses modern tools and methods to optimize the management of computer systems. Apex Technology Services’ flexible plans allow businesses to purchase only the services they need. Here, they help turn computer systems into an effective component of a growing business.

Apex Technology Services accurately detects vulnerabilities in IT infrastructure, technological processes and internal security. Systems are tested for vulnerability to cyber attacks. Apex Technology Services specialists are engaged in network forensics, monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic for gathering information, legal evidence or detecting malicious intrusions. Specialists are ready to help with the selection and purchase of reliable hardware and software.

Apex Technology Services provides reliable protection against phishing. The purpose of this fraud is to trick gullible or careless users with various personal data. Apex Technology Services also protects against ransomware. This malware locks the device or encrypts the content on it. The attackers demand a ransom to restore access to the content. Such programs may even have a built-in timer with a pre-programmed ransom payment deadline. If you don’t pay on time, hackers can increase the price or even block the device forever.

In May 2017, the whole world was attacked by WannaCry. It was large-scale ransomware. A computer virus has infected the Microsoft Windows operating system by encrypting files. It attacked the computers of government and commercial institutions and affected private individuals. Hackers managed to attack more than 500,000 computers in 150 countries. The main suspect in that cyber attack was the North Korean government.

Who is asking for help?

The main clients of Apex Technology Services are representatives of the asset management industry. These are hedge funds (private investments that use pooled funds), broker-dealers, etc. Law firms, mass media, the government, health care and education institutions are also asking for help. Among them are both giant companies from the Fortune 500 list and small companies. Apex Technology Services is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut.

Cyber attacks are one of the biggest modern challenges. Businesses regularly shut down, their files disappear and millions of dollars are stolen through such frauds. That is why companies are ready to spend huge resources to protect themselves from threats. Apex Technology Services develops a large arsenal of tools to guarantee maximum security.

The best practices of cybersecurity

Apex Technology Services has developed some recommendations after working with its customers, their regulators and the government agencies. The best cyber security practices, regardless of industry, company size or budget, include:

  • the company must conduct cybersecurity training, preferably interactive every 6 months. Human error is one of the biggest risks to customer data
  • auditing and documentation should be done regularly for systems security. This task should be assigned to personnel who are not involved in everyday operations
  • monitoring should be continuous so that anomalies can be detected immediately after their appearance
  • special tests will help to find out whether it is easy for attackers to gain access to the system and break it. An annual or more frequent inspection is optimal
  • a phishing simulation is advised. This is a method of training and testing employees to recognize phishing attacks and prevent them. Apex Technology Services’ phishing simulator is the first in the world to use artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • there must be a plan of action in case an attack happens.

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