Thursday, September 19, 2024


The New York Institute of Technology is a private research institution established in 1955. The institution has two main branches: in New York and Long Island. The Computer Graphics Lab contributed significantly to the development of computer graphics and animation. The history of the foundation of this university is quite interesting. Read more about the institution’s development and other interesting facts at queens-future.

The history of the foundation and opening of NYIT

The university was founded in 1955 on the basis of a provisional charter. Its first branch was in the Brooklyn neighborhood. The institution is thought to have been founded by Alexander Schure. The purpose of its establishment was to provide students with the opportunity to get a professional education in the field of information technology.

In 1958, the university had 300 students. Then, Alexander Schure, who became the university’s director, decided to expand it. In the spring of the same year, the Pythian Temple in Manhattan was purchased, which later became the main center.

Since its inception, the Long Island branch has provided students with a diverse choice of courses in areas such as communications, business, computer science and engineering. The institution’s building is made up of six structures.

Since 1959, NYIT has actively participated in fairs and festivals. All in order to raise funding for the establishment of scientific and technological laboratories.

Introducing IT technology at the institution

NYIT was the first university to incorporate computers into classrooms. In 1959, computers were installed on the institution’s campuses, and students studying mathematics and physics began working on them.

The specifically planned curriculum was successful, and the institution obtained two grants totaling about $3 million. One of the grants was intended to fund the development of an individual training system employing computers.

In 1974, the Computer Graphics Lab was opened on the basis of the university. It employed the best researchers in New York. There, teachers together with students created tools for developing 3D films.

In 1995, NYIT got first place in the Clean Air Road Rally organized by United States Department of Energy. A student team of engineers spent more than three years designing and building a high-performance hybrid electric car.

The university’s development in the 21st century

In 2003, the institution opened its doors in Bahrain for students looking to pursue an American education.

In 2005, the institution participated in an international competition and was named one of the best in New York.

In 2007, NYIT hosted the International Energy Conference and Exhibition in Daegu, South Korea. In 2008, the school established three-dimensional motion capture laboratories. This system allows for employing effective technologies to train computer animators.

Furthermore, in the same year, the United Space Alliance awarded the college $130,000 to perform research to assist NASA scientists in designing the crew module of the Orion spacecraft utilizing 3D motion capture technology.

In 2014, the Long Island branch unveiled a new training room outfitted with cutting-edge technologies, hardware and software. In 2016, the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security named NYIT the National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense.

The university continues to develop and it produces a large number of qualified IT specialists and engineers. Graduates of the unique training program have the opportunity to get a prestigious job in the IT field.

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